The Hippy Flamingo Blog

Finding Time: Making Arrangements from Chaos to Order

Finding Time: Making Arrangements from Chaos to Order

Join the bright world of Hippy Flamingo Inspiration where we face the task of keeping things steady in our busy lives. Doing creative things, keeping healthy and finding joy in a busy timetable is har... ...more

Motivational ideas

January 03, 20242 min read

Ski The Snowy Colorado Mountains

Ski The Snowy Colorado Mountains

It's a great time to go skiing in the snowy Colorado Mountains. Check out these ski resort areas. ...more


December 29, 20233 min read

Ski the East

Ski the East

The Northeast is notoriously known for its long winters, but seldom do travel enthusiasts consider taking a winter trip here compared to the West. ...more


December 29, 20233 min read

Creative Balance Toolbox: 'Finding Harmony' Resources

Creative Balance Toolbox: 'Finding Harmony' Resources

Finding Harmony Ebook recommended resources to help you on your journey to creative balance. ...more

Motivational ideas

October 24, 20234 min read

Hippy Flamingo's Favorite Smoothie #2

Hippy Flamingo's Favorite Smoothie #2

pineapple coconut smoothie ...more


June 20, 20230 min read

Hippy Flamingo's Favorite Smoothie #1 

Hippy Flamingo's Favorite Smoothie #1 

Favorite smoothie recipes ...more


June 20, 20230 min read

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